Tonx Coffee Review

Tonx Free Sample Packet

I ordered a free sample of Tonx coffee and I am here to share the experience electronically, because the amalgam of 0’s and 1’s flying at your face makes this the future and I am writing to you from it. And that’s exactly what a person who has had enough coffee would write–some might say too much.

Firstly, I don’t have the right to review this coffee. I used a blade grinder (ugh) and a french press (meh), and the coffee was good but not great; To be clear it was totally my fault for not having the right equipment.

My thoughts:

The low notes were more pronounced, almost like chocolate, and that’s what really got my attention. However, likely caused by my poor preparation, the middle notes were undetectable and the tinny high notes were excessive and unfavorable.

But I am a fan of coffee and I did get a glimpse of what Tonx could be if I was doing it right. It is easily worth getting your own free sample.  If you have a burr grinder and a coffee machine, why not try it and leave me a proper comment?

Here’s a link for your coffee fix:

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