Capturing Decision Energy


It is always advisable to capture any decisions you make so that you don’t have to keep making the decisions over and over again. If I find my mind wandering about a project, I also find that my mind is trying to solve the problem. I let it. Any new information about that project that has been generated (e.g. who to call, next actions that will be required) then get written down or cemented into my personal process. Making decisions takes time and energy and I take great care to ensure that I’m not wasting time re-thinking, dwelling, or ruminating.

I’m pretty practiced in this behavior, right down to cleaning out my wallet. While putting my credit cards back into my wallet today I noticed an old business card. It grabbed my attention and I then pondered if I needed this old business card anymore. No, I didn’t. Once I decide that a piece of paper is destined for the trash, and I’m not near a trash can, I fold the piece of paper at an odd angle. Odd angles clearly state:  “This paper is destined for the trash. You’ve already decided it.”

Later, when I clean up my table I will move the folded piece of paper to the trash without giving it further thought. Maybe this step seems a little silly, but something relaxes the moment you turn intentionality into reality. I recommend doing it as often as possible. It is a muscle that has to be built up.


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