Google Inbox Features And Flaws

I have been using Google Inbox Beta for a three weeks now on my iPhone and I’m mostly disappointed. I want to like Google’s new take on email management, but I’m afraid I’ve found Google Inbox to be extremely tedious and unhelpful. There are some winning features here, but many of the would-be advantages are lost due ...

World’s Longest Living People

50 Secrets of the World’s Longest Living People Some time closer to 2005 I was reading a book called 50 Secrets of the World’s Longest Living People. Although I don’t agree with everything it claims, it is an interesting take on health. Here are a few notes I took while reading the book: Okinawa Around ...

Alton Brown Diet

It is the start of the new year and a lot of folks are choosing to double their efforts at losing weight with their New Year’s resolutions. This seems like a perfect time to post the following treasure that originally aired January 4th, 2010. (That’s 5 years ago to the day.) There’s an episode of Good Eats named ...