Magic Phrase: I’m an Onsite Technician

I’m a computer professional who detests having to call customer service; I’d much rather fix it myself. But on occasion, I need a warranty replacement, or the internet is just “down down”, and I have no choice but to speak to the company.  I groan just thinking about waiting on hold, just to talk to ...

Meta Data for Your Books

Today I’m offering tips on how to prepare to handle huge amounts of learning material by adding meta data to your books. When the game is on you don’t have time to think and this way you don’t have to. Imagine for a moment that you are in an advanced college math class. You have just ...

Mighty Chain Calendar

Today I’m going to tell you how to build daily habits by turning routine into a game. Become super productive and give yourself a foundation and permission to explore things that YOU want to do. 1. Get a calendar to hang on the wall. Buy yourself a full year wall calendar if you can find ...