Solved Blue Screen Crash on 5 Ghz Wi-Fi

Had an issue where a laptop was randomly getting blue screen crash (BSOD) that was displaying the following information. It started when the laptop was put onto a 5 Ghz Wi-Fi network, but it took me quite some time to notice. Symptoms An Asus Q504UAK laptop running Windows 10 on 5 Ghz Wi-Fi randomly blue ...


Here is a list of things I have learned about legitimate anti-aging supplements. For the time being most of this article will focus on the ins and outs of Nicotinomide Riboside because it is very confusing and there’s a lot of dangerous misinformation out there. Nicotinomide Riboside (NR) Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) is a legitimate anti-aging ...

Most Valuable Things Everybody Should Know

One of my favorite lists on the internet was removed from Quora and I am posting it here so it can live on. The following is “What are the most valuable things everyone should know?” by Jordan B. Peterson which inspired his book 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos. The list was originally ...

Fasting (2017) Documentary Review

I was really excited for the Fasting (2017) documentary. It started out really strong. Unfortunately, it has a issues so severe that I can’t blindly recommend the film without notes. Here’s my quick notes on how to get the most out of the documentary. The first 39 minutes are a triumph. Really incredible. You the ...

Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers Review

Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers is a truly exhaustive scientific look at stress from every possible angle. Unless you’re an absolute nut in love with the scientific process, it can also exhausting to read. This is a book about stress, and although it has a cute title, it can be daunting to having every possible ...

Obesity Code Review

I finished reading The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Weight Loss by Dr. Jason Fung a month or so ago. I am pleased to recommend it as an introductory book on topics such as diet, weight loss, or health. As simple as it sounds, Dr. Fung is one of the few it not the ...

Re: Help I have stomach pain and bloating

Them: I think im not meant to eat raw cauliflower. Every time I do I feel horrible all day. Me: Interesting. I wonder why. What about broccoli ? Them: Same thing. But when i cook or roast the two I’m okay. Me: Does it cause stomach pain or just mysterious lack of energy? Both: Both. ...

Re: Is protein powder safe while breastfeeding?

In response to a public question about protein powder while breastfeeding.  Sophia: I’ve read mixed info on this. Is protein safe while breastfeeding? The brand I’m using is Biohealth and it’s a protein powder. Justin: Biohealth brand has different flavors and I can only find the ingredients listed for just one (when I switch flavors on ...

Things I Want When I’m Sick 2

Here’s a list of my favorite things I want when I’m sick or for treating common colds. You can shorten colds with zinc. You must get zinc lozenges like these that adhere to the science. They take 30 minutes to dissolve in your mouth and supply 12-18mg of zinc to the surrounding tissues. This is ...

Dealing with Heartbreak

Dealing with Heartbreak
In response to a public question about overcoming heartbreak, I responded with the following advice and it always seems to resonate with people. D.F.:  How do you deal with heartbreak? Cause apparently, I don’t. Justin: I’m gonna make a big assumption that you’re talking about a failed relationship. And if not, this may help those it ...